London © 2015 Designing Futures

Designing Communication

Blending effective professional communication practices

with exceptional client care

different choices;

different outcomes

The Seven Social Stages of a Client Communication

Seven stages are identified, each with a clear social purpose, and which broadly move through opening routines, input and action, to closing routines.

This guides the structure and accompanying content of a text, features of the style and vocabulary used, in particular in respect of agency, action and risk, and interpersonal techniques. These include differences in representation between the greeting and leave-taking stages of a communication and the central body of content.


Short Exemplar Long Exemplar

Building Meaning Across a Text

Meaning for clients is determined by

These features of language are looked at in more detail after we examine short and long exemplars of the seven social stages of a client communication.

Open and Close stages 1, 2, 6 and 7

These stages act to reduce social distance and make the professional accessible through a range of formulaic polite language; a focus on the professional and client, and communication between them; and creating a relationship trajectory of past and future contact.

Advisory stages 3, 4 and 5

These stages act to interpret and represent specialist matters and advise the client. Comparatively short sentences aid clarity. Even arcs of meaning when communicating probability and desirability ensure clear risk assessment.
